Event Details:
Date: March 19th to 22nd, 2024
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Booth: 1-B70 (HandTop + HOMER + CNTOP)
HANDTOP: Revolutionizing Flexibility, Efhciency, and OverallProduction
HandTop provides professional and reliable digital printingtechnology for UV inkjet applications. Their innovative automation andintegrated solutions extend UV printing beyond traditional advertising intoareas such as home decor, construction materials, industrial manufacturing,and personalized crafts. By advancing automation, intelligence, andeffciency, including machine-human collaboration, HandTop opens uplimitless possibilities for UV applications, creating new business opportunities for clients.
HOMER & CNTOP: Instantly Vibrant with Millions of Fabric Options
Digital textile printing isn’t just a new form of printing. it’s a pivotal point for comprehensive innovation in the fashion industry. Driven by both the demand for personalization and the pain points across the entire clothing supply chain, digital textile printing technology is reshaping the industry. HOMER and CNTOP are at the forefront of this transformation, offering comprehensive product solutions for textile and garment printing. Their “Smart Printing All-in-One Solution” empowers clients with flexible and diverse digital applications, adding new value to the industry.
Company :Shenzhen Hanglory Digital Printing Group Co., Ltd
Phone:0755-23080896 / 0755-23062862
Address:No.39 Qingfeng Road, Baolong Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen (2-3/F, Building C, Jingmida Digital Culture Industry Park - HanGlory Group)
E-mail :[email protected]
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